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Monday, August 24, 2020
“the American Criminal Justice System†free essay sample
â€Å"The American Criminal Justice System†Timeline: Key occasions in the authentic improvement of capital and flogging In 1692, the Salem Witch Trials started and is viewed as an extraordinary disaster in history including religion and convictions. Numerous individuals endured during this time on the off chance that they were distinguished as a witch and the outcomes were authorized by the clergyman of Salem, Samuel Parris, and his adherents. A couple of disciplines included unlawful hunt and seizure’s, preliminaries, and whenever sentenced, executed. The Salem witch preliminaries proceeded for eight months after Cotton Mather contended the mass feelings against the blamed suspects and after the ministry started to scrutinize the proof, Governor Phips, shut down the executions and all charged. A sum of twenty individuals and two mutts lost their lives during this occasion in time. In 1934, the military jail closes on Alcatraz Island because of an ascent in operational expense and the Federal government opens a Federal Prison on the Island to detain prominent detainees. This area was perfect to hold unmanageable guilty parties in confinement and authorities trust it would discourage carried out wrongdoing to those people in the public arena. Fourteen endeavored escapes happened inside the twenty-nine years of activity. In March 1963, Alcatraz shut because of the structure gradually stopping and safety efforts lessened because of spending cuts. After the getaway of Frank Morris and the Angelin Brothers, many examined the jail for its security. In 1987, the United States made the condemning rules under the Sentencing Reform Act in 1987. The rules brought about a criminalization and condemning procedure permits the indictment control and Judges would need to follow these rules with little tact on the choice. Congress would have the obligation of making a structure to maintain a strategic distance from â€Å"Unwarranted condemning dissimilarity among litigants who held comparable records who have been seen as blameworthy. †The condemning rules started a discussion including the lawful and social clashes and results. The death penalty Methods and Procedures: Lethal Gas and Lethal Injection are the two techniques utilized in the State of California for the death penalty. The strategy for a Legal Injection execution includes tying the prisoner onto a cart with limitations in an execution chamber. A heart screen is associated with the detainee and a printer outside the execution chamber. Two I. V. ’s are embedded in the veins and once the Warden signs to begin, 5. 0 grams of sodium pentothal is infused. The line is then flushed with clean saline arrangement and followed by 50 cc of pancuronium bromide. The line is flushed again and the last infusion comprises of 50 cc of potassium chloride. The method for Lethal Gas execution is the detainee is limited in a steel water/air proof chamber. Cyanide pellets are held in a compartment underneath the prisoner. A compartment on the floor contains sulfuric corrosive and three agents turn one key. The electronic switch makes the compartment on the floor open and permits the cyanide to fall in the sulfuric corrosive to make the deadly gas. The prisoner is observed so the superintendent knows when the detainee is done relaxing. Fumes fans and smelling salts are siphoned into the chamber, alongside two scrubbers that contain water. This procedure takes around 30 minutes and the demise typically happens inside six to eighteen minutes. Scott Peterson was condemned to deadly infusion in March 2005 for the homicide of his significant other, Laci Peterson and is presently detained in San Quentin Prison. Scott Peterson is a white male, thirty eight years old. Richard Ramirez is known as the â€Å"Night Stalker†and condemned to death row in 1989 for executing at least 14 individuals. Richard Ramirez is a fifty-one years of age, Mexican male. Richard Davis was condemned to death row for the homicide of Polly Klaas in 1996 and different feelings include: theft, robbery, hijacking and salacious follows up on a kid. Richard Davis is a white male, fifty-six years of age. Sacred Amendments which shield prisoners: The Eighth, Fifth, and Fourth Amendment shields detainees from remorseless and surprising discipline, separation, permits prisoners qualification for parole, just as implementing fair treatment. The Eighth Amendment requires correctional facilities and jails to stick to standard day to day environments in an others conscious condition, including the necessities to live and assurance against physical maltreatment. The Fifth Amendment offers prisoners the privilege to an expedient and unprejudiced preliminary, alongside an open protector to speak to their case in court. In conclusion, the Fourteenth Amendment awards detainees insurance and equivalent order from prison guards. Jail engineering structures in America: The New York State’s Auburn System and the Pennsylvania System were two essential design plans in America. Eastern State Penitentiary is known as the primary prison planned by John Haviland which opened on October of 1829. The inside pinnacle was situated in the prison which joined to single story cell squares. The single unit cells were 8 x 12 feet x 10 feet high and included running water, a latrine, and asmall singular exercise yard which was a similar width as the cell. The basic role for the prison was to put crooks in isolation with the expectation that the detainees would utilize an opportunity to ponder their freak ways and change their practices which would lead them making a course for reclamation. With the detainees in isolation, prisoners couldn't incite or battle with one another while imprisoned and I would trust some would feel threatened with day to day environments without any aims of returning. Some contended the jail was exorbitant and greater part of the gatekeepers would torment the detainee genuinely and mentally making the day to day environments heartless. The jail in the long run shut and was surrendered in 1971 because of the jail self-destructing and right now is working as a gallery. Jail arrangement is utilized to asses an inmate’s hazard and program needs. The levels are named close, medium, least 1, least 2, and least 3. Detainees delegated â€Å"close†present the most elevated danger of and least 3 prisoners present the least hazard. Experts in the division of detainment facilities are liable for doling out inmate’s arrangement/level. These measures have been set up to look after request, ensuring staff, and detainee security. Contrasts among Parole and Probation obligations and where the procedure is utilized in the Criminal Justice System: Probation is the condemning during and after detainment for a person who carried out a wrongdoing. Contingent upon the degree of the wrongdoing, an appointed authority arranges how much time an individual is detained and once discharged, orders conditions that should be followed while waiting on the post trial process. People are liable for observing the guidelines and a post trial agent will intently screen the individual’s restoration process. Parole is known as an early discharge from jail and is offered to people who keep the principles while detained. The parole board will settle on the choice if the prisoner is fit to be discharged go into society and assess his conduct while imprisoned. Conditions despite everything do have any significant bearing to a parole and our firmly observed by a Parole Officer. Probation happens after an individual has perpetrated a wrongdoing and Parole happens while an individual is imprisoned. A couple of obligations or obligations for a Probation Officer include: Evaluating the offender’s progress and conduct; Assist guilty parties in finding and look after work; and liable for all case the executives. A Parole Officer monitor’s the discharged individual to guarantee they are following the conditions and limitations. A few obligations include: keeping in touch with the parole and their families; assess and report the parole’s progress; may work with the two Juveniles and grown-ups. Contrasts among restoration and discipline and who may support every idea: Rehabilitation allows a person to find out about his activities and offers individuals’ help for reemergence into society. Restoration programs are accessible to both grown-up and adolescent guilty parties. Illicit drug use Rehab, Alcohol Addiction Rehab, Violent Behavior Rehab are a couple of projects utilized in restoring an individual. Imprisonment limits a prisoner to a little cell with practically no benefits. Except if a detainee is presently restoration, Incarceration doesn't offer assistance. Imprisonment is set up for both adolescent and grown-up guilty parties. In California, the normal expense for every detainee is $35,000 every year and $70,000 every year for old detainees who require more thoughtfulness regarding their social insurance. Guilty parties who lament their activities and have solid ethics would support the recovery idea. While recurrent wrongdoers who figure out how to adjust to the jail condition will support imprisonment.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Journal of Ministerial Deveopment
Question: Examine about the Journal of Ministerial Deveopment? Answer: Experience: Special Education Project I am a minister of a Catholic Church in west of London, and in the year 2015 on the long stretch of November, one of my companion welcomed me to his service. I visited his service, and saw that he is taking a shot at a one of a kind venture. His undertaking is for the most part connected with various schools and the training that is being given to the understudies in schools. The understudies in the schools are not being furnished with lessons like fire drills, and things like that however they are being furnished with various types of instruction; they are being educated to manage basic episodes that may emerge anytime of time. There are times when the understudies face basic circumstances like viciousness, misuse, wounds as a result of any sort of mishap or something, which could make an injury inside the understudies and the injury isn't just annihilating for the school yet in addition for the network too. My companion, offer enthusiastic help to these understudies or to the kids with the goal that they could without much of a stretch come out of the injury and could carry on with a superior life. He requested that I go with in him in his venture, from the outset I was incredulous about going with him since I was caught up with considering the Bible around then; at that point I imagined that on the off chance that I need to create myself as a minister, at that point I ought to know about the basic conditions that the children of God face consistently, so I adjusted my perspective and went with him in his undertaking. The facts confirm that being a minister I have bunches of work to do and I have duties towards my family also, so I delayed from the outset, yet then I went with him in his venture. Investigation: There are such a large number of schools around the locale where my companions fill in as a minister. The schools are altogether acceptable however on occasion there are some startling occurrences that could happen in the life of the understudies that could change the life of the understudies concentrating in the schools. The various types of occurrences that could happen in the life of the understudies incorporate episodes like mishaps and maltreatment just as brutality. Occurrences like, fire, flood and other common and man-made dangers could influence the life of the understudy, in more than one different ways, and it could sincerely influence the understudies too. Thusly, battling flames and floods and other catastrophe truly, ought not be the primary point of the schools, they should ensure that the understudies who are experiencing the injury of any sort of debacle should come out of it without any problem. Additionally now and again there are understudies in the schools, who e nd it all, and things, for example, these; these demonstrations also devastatingly affect the understudies concentrating in the school. In short the occurrences that hamper the day by day movement of the schools, and that which are not inviting in are arranged as the basic episodes. The basic episodes not just negatively affect the understudies and yet the basic occurrences additionally have an adverse effect or an impact on the individuals working in the association. The side effects and the manner in which the understudies and the staff will respond fluctuate with the social foundation of the understudies and the staff. In this manner, the basic occurrences ought to be managed cautiously, in light of the fact that it could offered ascend to hurtful clashes among the school work force and now and again the school specialists are likewise pressurize to take choice under pressure. The schools consistently set themselves up for things like quake, floods, and flames however alongside setting themselves up for these sorts of occurrence it is imperative to set up the understudies just as the staffs for basic episodes also. The basic episodes not just incorporate those horrendous occurrences that are occurring inside the school hour and in the school premises and yet those episode that occurred after the school hours and even away from the school premises ought to likewise be contemplated. The occurrence that could take outside the school premises and after school hours incorporate episodes that are happening in a games action or in a game. The exercises like a homicide in the school premise, or an abrupt passing in the school premise, or the unexpected demise inside the school, through occurrences like self destruction could negatively affect the individuals who are there in the school. Things like, youngster misuse and savagery, or any sort of genuine injury happening because of any reason like the utilization of the weapon in the school reason could likewise have a terrible impact the understudies who are concentrating there as well as on the others too (Ortoleva and Btrancourt 2016). Things like the bomb danger as well, are not under any condition generally excellent for the emotional well-being of the individuals who are there in the school and subsequently, the school ought to consistently be prepared to offer help to these individuals. The schools should chalk out an arrangement so that regardless of whether any such circumstance happens inside the school premise then that could be effortlessly maintained a strat egic distance from through the correct plans and the measures that are being taken by the school authority. The school the executives and the authority ought to likewise be prepared to offer mental help to both the staff and the understudies with the goal that they could undoubtedly conquer the injury through which they are proceeding to live a superior and a sound life. The school ought to have their arrangements prepared for taking care of any sort of hazardous or basic circumstance, so that in the event that it happens the school authority and the administration have enough information and figuring out how to deal with the circumstance; the most significant part is that the school authority ought to be prepared to deal with the enthusiastic injury through which the staffs, the educators and in particular the instructors and the understudies experience. The schools ought to have a group prepared so that in the event that there is any basic circumstance or if there is an event of the basic episode inside the school, they can act promptly absent a lot of issue or wavering. The group ought to incorporate the head of the school, the advisor who is there in the school and simultaneously the schools ought to likewise have the leader of each division and different staffs too; which incorporate the administrative staff, the youngster care specialist, the associate educators and different staffs of the school. My companion revealed to me that the individuals who are remembered for these groups must have certain characteristics and it incorporate characteristics like sympathy, agreeableness, the authority quality and the characteristics, for example, these. In addition the individuals ought to likewise have the dynamic quality and simultaneously the individuals ought to have the listening quality too. They ought to have the option to tune in to all the guidance and choice cautiously and ought to follow the choice likewise. Above all they ought to consistently be accessible and they should feel good in working in adaptable occasions, at exactly that point they ought to be there in the group. Philosophical Reflection The undertaking truly interested me a great deal and I needed to see whether philosophy could truly assist me with finding a response to the issues that are being looked by the individuals who have encountered the basic occurrences. I needed to discover that if religious philosophy could give comfort to those individuals who had confronted the basic circumstance? Do philosophy and its writings give any sort of help, particularly enthusiastic help to the individuals who have face the basic circumstance? Along these lines, I investigated barely any writings, similar to the Bible, Genesis, and the accounts and into hardly any different writings to have answers of the inquiries that are raised inside me. Youngster misuse or any sort of misuse is something that ought to be denied, in any event, as per me. I wonder if Bible has anything to state about maltreatment or not, so I took the Bible and experienced the Bible. I discovered that Bible has not utilize the word misuse anyplace, despite the fact that it has denied misuse, particularly psychological mistreatment is being precluded by the Bible. As indicated by good news of James, in section 3 and in line 9, any individual who is being made in the picture of God ought not be reviled at all. In the good news of Matthew in part 22 lines 35 to 40, I discovered that psychological mistreatment really abuses two of the best rules of God; among those two biggest decrees one is the affection towards the God and love for all the other people who are made in the picture of the God. Imprint in part 8 and in line 34 has expressed that on the off chance that the Man expressed the healthy words, at that point he precludes the Christian route from securing carrying on with an actual existence in an indirect manner. Thusly, in the good news of Mark additionally a similar denial, against utilizing manhandles is being found (Higton 2015). The Ephesian part 4 line 29 expresses that on the off chance that an individual uses injurious words, at that point he (she) comes up short on the dread of God and simultaneously it likewise implies that the people activity could prompt devastation. Hence, the utilization of the harsh words really implies denying the way that there is a nearness or the presence of any sort of God. After I have discovered these realities about maltreatment I needed to establish out what Bible needs to state pretty much all the various types of savagery and devastation and how the Bible or some other religious writings censured any sort of brutality (Lim 2015). Before I discovered the words that are against viciousness or any sort of devastation I discovered these lines that could give comfort to any individual who has experienced any basic circumstance or who could really be the medium through which brutality can happen anytime of time: The Lord's bond-hireling must not be factious, yet be caring to all, ready to instruct, understanding when wronged, with delicacy revising the individuals who are in resistance, if maybe God may allow them contrition prompting the information on reality, and they may wake up and escape from the catch of the fallen angel, having been held hostage by him to do his will. (2Timothy 2:24-26) Brutality and conquering savagery is a troublesome thing and on occasion the injury of viciousness is with the end goal that defeating that savagery turns into a test f
Thursday, July 16, 2020
How to Stop Smoking When You Drink Alcohol
How to Stop Smoking When You Drink Alcohol Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit Print How to Stop Smoking When You Drink Alcohol By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Armeen Poor, MD on January 30, 2020 Armeen Poor, MD, is a board-certified pulmonologist and intensivist. He specializes in pulmonary health, critical care, and sleep medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Armeen Poor, MD on January 30, 2020 altrendo images / Stockbyte / Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery If you crave smoking mostly when you are drinking alcohol, it can be difficult to break that habit. People may tell you that it should be easy to quit because you only smoke when you drink. But alcohol can break your resolve and make it easy to give in to the urge to smoke. Nicotine Addiction and Psychological Dependence Nicotine addiction has two componentsâ€"physical addiction and psychological dependence.?? Physical addiction, while intense, can be broken in a matter of days by clearing nicotine out of the body.Psychological dependence involves the association smokers build up between smoking and daily life over the years, from having a smoke with your morning coffee to lighting up when stressed. For most people, it is the mental side of smoking that ties you most heavily to nicotine addiction.?? The fact that you link smoking only with drinking does give you an advantage. You can concentrate your efforts to quit on this one area alone rather than having to face triggers every time you turn around. Alcohol Diminishes Inhibitions and Resolve One of the big problems with alcohol is that it reduces your inhibitions. For someone who is trying to quit smoking, reduced inhibitions increase the risk of a smoking relapse.?? It just doesnt seem so important to stay true to your smoking cessation program once youve had a couple of drinks. Additionally, you will probably be with friends who are smoking, or youll see other smokers at the bar, making it all the more difficult for you. What do you do when they offer you a cigarette or they step outside for a smoke? Quitting can be done successfully.?? With a plan and some practice, you can recondition yourself away from feeling like you need to smoke while enjoying a drink or two when out with friends. Go Alcohol-Free at First While your goal may be able to enjoy a drink without smoking, starting with going alcohol-free has advantages. Youll be able to deal with the triggers in that setting without the disadvantage of alcohol loosening up your resolve.?? Try going alcohol-free for the night. Sip on cranberry juice and seltzer water or something similar. No one has to know if youd rather keep it a secret. Privately tell the bartender or your server that when you order a mixed drink, you want it served minus the alcohol. Socialize with friends as you normally would and work through the triggers that the situation brings up for you. You will probably need to do this more than once before it starts to feel comfortable. It may not be much fun, but it is the first step in breaking the associations you have with smoking in this environment. Plan Ahead Have an escape plan in mind for those moments when you feel like youre about to smoke a cigarette. Get up and head to the bathroom or step outside for some fresh air (avoiding the outdoor smoking area). If that doesnt do the trick, you may want to consider calling it a night and go home earlier than usual. Go to a Smoke-Free Bar Most public meeting places are going smoke-free, although this will depend on the laws in your area. If your favorite watering hole hasnt yet done so, suggest to your friends that you try out a new place for a change. Practice Makes Perfect You are teaching yourself new, healthy habits each time you successfully navigate the situations that trigger the urge to smoke. Practice will cement them in place.?? Be patient and give yourself time to replace old associations with new ones that dont include smoking. The day will come when youll be able to socialize with others who are smoking while having a drink or two without it bothering you. You are smart to do the work now to quit because smoking even a few cigarettes is dangerous to your health. And, more likely than not, you would soon find yourself lighting up in situations other than the bar. Nicotine addiction has a way of moving in and taking up more and more of your time and resources. Better to kick it to the curb now.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on The Impact Advertising Has on Children - 1394 Words
The Impact Advertising Has on Children Advertising today focuses on specific targeted demographic groups. There is a direct focus on marketing products to young consumers. This age group sees the commercials, but does not really understand the directed message. This can have an adverse effect on the way children interpret and understand the message being presented to them. The average American child sees more than 40,000 commercials a year, and advertisers spend more than $12 billion annually marketing to them?double the amount of 10 years ago. (APA-1) Children watching television are exposed to every channel running commercials that are sending out a mature message to an immature audience. There needs to be something done to†¦show more content†¦The commercials feature animated characters selling fast food kid meals. Children relate with the cartoon characters and want to eat the foods that are being promoted. Children receive the message that fast food is good for them, and do not understand that eating too muc h fast food can be unhealthy for them. Unfortunately the message from this type of advertising is geared toward the child thinking I need to have the fast food. This is a bad message to leave in children?s minds, because it can also cause problems with their health. The obesity rate in young children has risen drastically over the last twenty years. Health reports have attributed this to the continuing increase in the amount of fast food children are consuming. Television commercials for fast food are on every channel, and the number of channels has risen over the last twenty years. Children who watch television are exposed to a non-stop borage of commercials. This continual exposure promotes a cycle of the child always wanting to go to the fast food restaurants. Parents also are affected by the commercials. Their children want to eat fast food, and the fast food is very convenient for busy families. It is much easier to go through a drive-thru and order the food, then to cook the m eal at home. This can be a harmful pattern for the family to establish. Convenience over a more healthy home cooked meal adds to the childhood obesityShow MoreRelatedAdvertising And Their Influence On Children1516 Words  | 7 PagesEthics in advertising and their influence on children: Introduction Advertising has grown massively due to the expansion of technology and this has transformed the advertising industry. Organisations are spending heavily in advertising to differentiate their brands and cut throat competition among advertising companies is a priority. However, in this race for standing out, advertisers and marketers might overlook the ethical policies. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Anorexia Nervosa And Its Influence On Society - 1373 Words
Anorexia Nervosa is mostly present in western countries. Anorexia nervosa has been increasing over years. Women are more affected by anorexia nervosa than men. (Makino, Tsuboi Dennerstein, 2004). Anorexia Nervosa is defined as people starving for food as they are afraid to put on weight .People adopting the western culture find their ideal body type as slim, so they need to do exercise and should not eat fat to stay slim. Mass media has contributed a lot in influencing women in the western culture and is contributing to stereotype the ideal body type. Health professionals, need to do a work hard to find the reason behind people self starving as anorexia nervosa is considered as a serious illness which should be treated. According to anthropologist, Sir Edward Burnett Taylor, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.†(Stocking, 1995). Culture forms our behavior in society and we are influenced by culture. People suffering from anorexia nervosa are obsessed of being slim and have the phobia of putting on weight, thus they don’t eat fat at all and do excess exercise. Nervosa is a serious disease which needs to be treated seriously. Some researchers have found that anorexia nervosa is a culture bound syndrome. Nowadays, People are mostly influenced by the western culture, by the media ignoring their health because they have set a standard and theyShow MoreRelatedInfluence Of Society On A Teenager1039 Words  | 5 Pagessuch as Selena Quintanilla. The difference between then and now is, women could escape this if needed. Today it is impossible to ignore the stick t hin, supermodels, such as Kendall Jenner. They are on TV, Clothing stores, and magazines. The influence of society on a teenager is so much that man expects a woman to be a stick thin model or they are considered â€Å"plump†. The average fashion model weighs 108 to 130 lbs in proportional to height. The average woman weighs 142 to 166.2lbs. One study showedRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa As A Culture Bound Syndrome1440 Words  | 6 Pagesering from Anorexia-Nervosa within western countries, compared to that of 3.2% of females suffering from Anorexia-Nervosa in non western countries (DiNicola 1990:253), it is not surprising that Anorexia Nervosa has been labeled a Culture-Bound Syndrome. There have been three prominent hypotheses as to why this particular disease is considered so. The most prominent of these hypotheses is that westernized media’s ideologies of thinness and beauty have influenced young females into developing a â€Å"fat-phobiaRead MorePeer Pressure An d Media Cause Eating Disorders1743 Words  | 7 Pagesas being too fat. Eating disorders can be cause by psychological or environmental factors. To illustrate, a psychological factor, in today’s society, anorexia, bulimia and weight-preoccupation is comprehended everywhere but it continues to affect and take hold of the female body (Bordo 66). Bordo in the prior sentence is suggesting that the source of anorexia or bulimia is weight-preoccupations. At the same time there are biological factors as well. For instance, they have found that there are abnormalRead MorePsychological And Emotional Factors Of Anorexia Nervosa1120 Words  | 5 Pages Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. (1Anorexia Nervosa MedlinePlus) They may be afraid of gaining weight, even though they are are underweight. They will have extreme control over their food and calorie intake, and exercise intensely. Individuals with this condition usually have low to extremely low weight, and body fat. Most patients are malnourished. Patients with this disorder have a disturbed body conceptRead MoreAnorexia and Bulemia Nervosa: The New Epidemic919 Words  | 4 Pagesepidemic threatening the health and even the lives of many adolescents. The importance attached to the physical appearance in our culture influence millions of people to feel dissatisfied with their image. The media is in some way is responsible, by constantly showing images about what constitutes being an attractive and successful person, especially women. Society is allowing the Media to promote stereotyping of a â€Å"perfect woman†with the impossible dimensions such as the Barbie doll; a very thin andRead MoreBackground History of Anorexia Nervosa1452 Words  | 6 PagesHISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA Anorexia nervosa’s (AN) first descriptions began during the twelfth and thirteenth century with the historical Saint Catherine of Siena (Deans, 2011). It is related to participating in religious functions and medieval practices of self-starvation (Deans, 2011). Furthermore, the death of popular singer, Karen Carpenter in 1983 created the societal awareness about the effect of anorexia nervosa and become widely known at the end of the twentieth century (RaderRead MoreEating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa1653 Words  | 7 PagesAnorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is one of several subtypes descending from feeding and eating disorders. It is a crippling life-threatening condition marked by a patient placing restriction on energy intake relative to needed energy requirements, resulting in a relentless pursuit of low body weight in the context of age, sex, development and physical health. According to American Psychiatric Publishing of diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa, often timesRead MoreUnderstanding Anorexia Nervosa1008 Words  | 5 PagesAnorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder, with more than 10% of those that suffer from it will die. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is categorized by severe food restriction, excessive exercise and body dysmorphia, which leads those that suffer from it to believe that they are overweight. Anorexia nervosa is commonly misunderstood by the general public. Research has disproved many of the previous thoughts about anorexia nervosa. According to the scientificRead More The Prevalence Of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder1723 Words  | 7 PagesThe Prevalence Of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder How prevalent is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders? Without the knowledge of research, one is likely to think eating disorders are quite prevalent in society today. However, research proves that eating disorders, in general, are not as prevalent as one might think without any knowledge of the subject. Prevalence of an eating disorder refers to the number of cases of an eating disorderRead MoreEating Disorders Have Multiple Complex Causes; The Media is not to Blame 1568 Words  | 7 PagesWhen the topic of eating disorders (ED), anorexia, bulimia, starving, purging, or any other form of self harm is brought into an everyday conversation, it is simply looked at as nothing out of them norm and is just brushed off as if the topic was concerning what the President had for lunch that day. At first glance, the average person would probably conclude that the main reason eating disorders are so noted in young women today is simply due to the fact that the media puts so much pressure on these
Encephalitis Lethargica Compared to the Movie Awakenings Free Essays
Encephalitis lethargica is a rare disease which is an atypical form of encephalitis that can cause symptoms that range from headaches to coma like states. Other potential symptoms include things such as double vision, high fevers, lethargy, and delayed physical and mental reactions. The treatment of the illness was the main focus of the movie awakenings and the book it was based upon. We will write a custom essay sample on Encephalitis Lethargica Compared to the Movie Awakenings or any similar topic only for you Order Now The cause of the illness even today still remains much of a mystery with successful treatment also following suit, thankfully however since a large outbreak of the illness in the late 1960’s there have been very rare reported cases of the disease since. When the movie Awakenings begins we find one of the main characters, Leonard Lowe, as a child. In the movie the viewer sees young Leonard begin to suffer from early symptoms of encephalitis lethargica, he quickly becomes unable to keep up in school and is taken out so he can be watched and also presumably to prevent the disease from potentially spreading. The movie then jumps to 1969 where the viewer is Dr. Sayer apply for a job in Bronx, his experience up to that point had been all research but the hospital being underemployed hires him anyways. Dr. Sayer soon becomes determined to improve the quality of life for his patients and begins to look for a way to alleviate there illness, despite the skepticism of his peers. After investigating into several of his catatonic patients he finds out that many of them had suffered from encephalitis lethargica at one point or another in their past. Soon after discovering this Dr. Sayer proceeds to learn more about them by consulting a doctor who had treated many patients with the disease. He learns that many patients who survived the outbreak would seem to have periods where they would appear to recover from the illness for a time but after an amount of time would fall back into a state of catatonia. Shortly after learning this probably due to the simple fact that the catatonic behavior of his patients was similar to that of Parkinson’s patients, he chooses to pursue the latest advances in Parkinson’s treatments. He then attends a conference on Parkinson’s treatments, there Dr. Sayer first learns about Levodopa (also known as L Dopa) Sayer proposes that L Dopa should be tested as a treatment for one of his catatonic patients, his superiors express doubts that he will be successful but in the end agrees to let him proceed to try it on one patient. He selects Leonard Lowe to be treated with L Dopa. After some period of time Leonard awakens, after this success Dr. Sayer then tries to lobby the patrons of the hospital for more funding to expand this treatment to other patients and after donations from staff members and after showing Leonard to the hospitals investors he gets the required funding and puts the rest of the patients on L Dopa. They, like Leonard, soon awaken after treatment and appear to all make a full recovery from their catatonic states. It’s not long before Leonard begins to suffer side effects from L Dopa, he experiences convulsions, paranoia, and psychotic behavior which are all real symptoms of L Dopa treatment; Leonard also begins to build a tolerance to the drug and he soon has his symptoms of his illness slowly return. The rest of the patients ultimately experience the same course of events and eventually all return to a state of catatonia. The movie ends with Dr. Sayer giving a speech about what he learned from his patients. The symptoms experienced by the patients and the side effects shown in the movie from L Dopa are extremely accurate with those experienced in real life, such as Leonard extreme emotional state and However the research Dr. Sayer, whose real name was Dr. Oliver Sacks, was similar but wasn’t exactly what occurred during the summer of 1969. Rather than starting the L Dopa treatment with just one patient and then expanding the treatment to the rest of the patients as was depicted in the film, Oliver Sacks actually began his study as a double blind procedure with a placebo group and with a treatment group. He also originally intended to only let the study last for 90 days however once he saw that fifty percent of his patients were showing improvement, Sacks went ahead and began giving the rest of the patients L Dopa and dropped his 90 day window for the study. Within the film Dr. Sayer is depicted going from one patient to his whole group of patients, apart from this the movie appears to be completely in line with the events of real life. Works Cited Micromedex, Drug Information Provided By:. â€Å"Levodopa (Oral Route). † Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 01 Nov. 2011. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Awakenings. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Feb. 2013. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Side Effects of Carbidopa-Levodopa. † Side Effects of Carbidopa-Levodopa. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. â€Å"NINDS Encephalitis Lethargica Information Page. † Encephalitis Lethargica Information Page: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Awakenings. † Oliver Sacks MD RSS. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. How to cite Encephalitis Lethargica Compared to the Movie Awakenings, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Learning organization as a view of organization that is both theoretically adequate and practically useful
Introduction Organizations thrive in an environment that is evidently dynamic perhaps because of technological sophistication coupled with the emerging need to adapt to new changes. In organizations, especially the ones that I am quite familiar with, most influential daily chores entangle incorporation of strategies that see the organization achieve its intended goals and objectives.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Learning organization as a view of organization that is both theoretically adequate and practically useful specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Whether official, operative or operational goals, as Barnet Reckons â€Å"organizational goals are desired states of affairs or preferred results that organizations attempt to realize†(2009, Para.1). This is perhaps subtle given that every organization exists for some preset purposes in which it must involve itself. Any other practice, be it huma n resource practices or according tasks to subordinate staff, attempts to foster realization of outcomes that are congruent with this preset purpose. This is crucial if an organization needs to succeed both in the short and in the end. Firms and organizations, consequently, attempt to come up with adaptive capabilities for them to survive. Among such adaptive strategies, include building, and developing organizations that can learn. This would perhaps be impossible upon negating the approaches of change management. The two go hand in hand. This means that one cannot discuss one fully without inferring from the other one. By appreciating the contribution of change management, as the paper unveils, integrating learning organization concepts is a view that is both theoretically and practically adequate in the realization, sustenance, and improvement of fundamental practices in an organization, all geared towards realizing the anticipated outcomes or rather organizational outputs. Learn ing organizations In almost every organization, organizational goals are ever in a continuous state of change. â€Å"Organizations must respond appropriately, by formulating new goals, as well as deciding the goals to accomplish, and in what order†(Barnet, 2009, Para.2). One of the responses is perhaps to develop a learning organization that can adapt to the new goals. Peter Senge stands out as the founding father of the learning organization, as a concept of improving and ensuring sustained improvement of organizations.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Senge (1990), learning organizations are â€Å"†¦organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learni ng to see the whole together†(p.4). The learning organization concept acquired incredible recognition in 1990 upon the publishing of his book: The Fifth Discipline. As Cors (2003) writes, â€Å"†¦that a learning organization values, and derives competitive advantage from continued learning, both individual and collective†(p.10). The perspectives of a learning organization are crucial for an organization to end up indulging in practices that are congruent with the existing dynamics in the operational environment of an organization. While instituting a learning organization, five disciplines are critical. These disciplines are â€Å"systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision and team building†(Senge, 1990, p.2). The disciplines are, not only vital for theoretical construction of an organization likely to succeed in the future, but also for practical constructions of such organizations. Senge argues that people normally seek out to â₠¬Å"put aside their old ways of thinking (mental models), learn to be open with others (personal mastery), understand how their company truly works (systems thinking), form a plan everyone can agree on (a shared vision), and then work together to achieve that vision (team learning)†(Cors, 2003, 12). In fact, these crucial catalysts aid in the realization of the organization’s outcomes. The rationale behind learning organizations is that in times of rapid changes, it is the organizations, which possess amicable flexibility coupled with high productivity, that have better chances of withstanding harsh waves. Consequently, â€Å"†¦organizations need to discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels†(Greenfield, 1975, p.70). Engaging with an organizational environment, which gives opportunities for continuous learning, has the capacity to give rise to a working environment rich in self re-creation opportunities. This applies to both an organization and individuals.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Learning organization as a view of organization that is both theoretically adequate and practically useful specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Senge claims, â€Å"For a learning organization, â€Å"Survival learning†or, what is more often termed â€Å"adaptive learning†, is essential – it must be joined by â€Å"generative learning†, learning that enhances our capacity to create†(1990, p.14). Component technologies distinguish traditional organizations from learning organizations. These technologies are the five key disciplines proposed by Senge, as priory mentioned. In this regard, successful application of Senge’s five disciplines has an enormous potential in the realization of the organizational primary outcomes: being what most imperative practices that an organization targets. A justi fication of this argument is perhaps accomplishable through critical introspection of each of these disciplines. Systems thinking Systems theory perhaps forms a view of an organization pegged on the foremost learning organization’s view that does, not only present theoretical conceptualization of organizations’ success, but also a practical one. While looking at the manner of addressing the topic of management, some problems are evident. People tend to strike attempts to propose an extension of undemanding frameworks to organizational systems that are complex, and characterized by dynamics. As Argyris and Schà ¶n reckon, â€Å"we tend to focus on the parts rather than seeing the whole, and to fail to see organization as a dynamic process†(1978, p.69). Changing the manner in which people appreciate the value of organization systems has immense probabilities of prompting formulation and application of the right policies deemed vital for the excellence of an orga nization’s endeavors. Cute policies pre-bargain for the improvement and sustained operation of an organization even in the wave of economic and financial challenges. Yet such organizations attain the projected outcomes quite precisely.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When a problem emerges, managers seek out for close interventional solutions. They take interventions that only produce short-term solutions. On the other hand, if one looks at the whole problem from the system’s angle, short-term interventions produce undue long-term costs. For instance, reducing the amount of allocations to research and design may produce immediate satisfactory results helping in saving costs. However, this may severely injure the long-term dreams of the company by disdaining its endeavors for continuous re-innovation of its products and services. Consequently, its outputs end up being non-competitive as compared to those produced by other organizations. As an element of the wider concept of a learning organization, system thinking, is vital for success of an organization since â€Å"†¦with small changes building on themselves, whatever movement occurs broadens producing more movement in the same direction†(Senge, 1990, p.81). On a different ac count, institutional theories perhaps possess a chief drawback to systems theory that advocates for coming up with system maps. Scott (2004) notes that â€Å"Institutional theory considers the processes by which structures including schemas, rules, norms, and routines, become established as authoritative guidelines for social behavior†(p.23). One of the versions of the institutionalism-empirical version holds that involvement of individuals with the organizations does not alter their values (Hanson, 2001, p.23: Burch, 2007, p.7: Meyer Rowan, 2006, p.67). Instead, the constraints and the challenges imminent in the organizational structures prompt for behavior change. The values and affiliations that dictate that behavior largely remain unchanged. Learning organization concept, on the other hand, infers that exposure to changing operational environment results to change of these values. That is why the individual continuously learns to meet the emerging new need of the organi zation. As Bolman and Deal argue, â€Å"Failure to understand system dynamics can lead us into ‘cycles of blaming and self-defense: the enemy is always out there, and problems are always caused by someone else†(1997, p.27). What this means is that, by deploying system-thinking approaches in organizations, peoples can indeed change the way they analyze the organization. Personal mastery In an endeavor to foster and maintain workers’ motivation, it is crucial for organizations to learn themselves, recognizing the contribution of the human resources to the realization of the organizations’ outcomes. Peck (1990) posits, â€Å"The discipline entails developing a personal vision, holding creative tension (managing the gap between our vision and reality), recognizing structural tensions and constraints, and our own power (or lack of it) with regard to them; a commitment to truth†(p.23). Organizations are only able to learn if led and managed by people wh o can learn themselves. â€Å"Personal mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our vision of focusing our energies developing patience and seeing the realty objectively†(Senge, 1990, p.45). Therefore, personal mastery is an essential tool for the achievement of subtle organizational outcomes especially by noting that, it not only entails the possession of overwhelming skills and competencies, but also goes beyond them. Inculcating attempts to foster motivation infers that a manager will always have something to offer that marshals and awakes dwindled workers’ morale. Enhancing employees morale translates to increased productivity of an organization and hence its outcomes. More often than not, people who are in possession of personal mastery concepts engage in a learning mode that is continuous. Additionally, such people â€Å"are acutely aware of their ignorance, their incompetence, and their growth areas†¦In addition, they are deeply s elf-confidence†(Senge, 1990, p.142). These aspects are crucial especially when it comes to awarding delegation of responsibilities as a way of fostering motivation as a vital tool for success of the organization in question. However, as Maxcy notes, â€Å"modern societies have many institutionalized rules which provide a framework for the creation and elaboration of formal organization†(2001, p.575). This argument acts to weaken the contribution of personal mastery concept in the realization of the organizational goals. This is because, instead of people being guided by their own desires of growth and act accordingly to ensure more success of organization in terms of realizing its outcomes, they end up being led by rules of bureaucratically established organizational structures. Such rules do not encourage motivation. Mental models Realization of ample organizational outcomes calls for â€Å"an acute communication both horizontally and vertically within the organizat ion†(Foster, 1999, p. 59). Without communication, all the organs of an organization cannot unify and or orient themselves into one direction- achievement of the anticipated outcomes. Ardent communication is somewhat impossible without concrete conceptualization of the organization’s strengths and weakness. In an attempt to conceptualize these weaknesses and strengths, it calls for incredible possession of the ability to build and implement mental models as guiding principles of the organization. Mental models are â€Å"‘deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures and images that influence how we understand the world, and how we take action†(Senge, 1990, p.8). Before communicating and advocating for the implementation of a certain policy believed upon evaluation to contribute to the improvement and success of an organization, its re-introspection is crucial. This happens by seeking to establish generalizations that may have negative rep ercussions to the wellbeing of an organization at the end. As Sennett notes, â€Å"The discipline of mental models starts with turning the mirror inward; learning to unearth our internal pictures of the world, to bring them to the surface and hold them rigorously to scrutiny†(1998, p.91). Application of the mental models in organization and management of organizations have the capacity to unveil all the potential constraints of growth of the organization and hence its subsequent presence in the future. In fact, â€Å"If organizations are to develop a capacity to work with mental models then it will be necessary for people to learn new skills and develop new orientations, and to bear institutional changes that foster such change†(Edmondson Moingeon, 1999, p.70). Endeavors to propel an organization in the right direction call for maneuvering through persistent game playing and existing internal organizational politics, which are commonly present in traditional organiz ations. Mental models may by far aid in the discovery of these impediments, which, on the other hand, renews the organizations towards meet the growth caliber forecasted by the organization. This perhaps relies on the fact that mental models aim at â€Å"seeking to distribute business responsibly far more widely while retaining coordination and control†(Edmondson Moingeon, 1999, p.72). Building shared vision The capacity to develop and maintain a shared picture on the intended or anticipated desirable future of an organization enormously inspires organizational leadership. Shared vision can be â€Å"uplifting – and to encourage experimentation and innovation†(Finger Brand, 1999, p.21). Innovation is a subtle practice of the organization seeking to diversify its products to meet the emerging and changing needs of its clients. Encouraging all the stakeholders of an organization to work in direct congruence with the established shared vision of the organization arguably has the consequences of being potentially useful to sustain and improve practices deemed vital for excellence of an organization in both the short run and the long run. In fact, without vision, an organization has no guiding platform. According to Bolman and Deal, â€Å"When there is a genuine vision (as opposed to the all-to-familiar ‘vision statement’), people excel and learn, not because they are told to, but because they want to†(1997, p.67). Essentially this helps to shift organizational management practices to a model similar to kaizen model of management. This model has been incredibly successful in Toyota Company. It has seen the company grow into what it is today. The model emphasizes for all employees, from the most senior to the subordinate level, to contribute to continuous improvement in the services they render to an organization. This continuous improvement is what results into continuous growth of an organization. The growth, consequent ly, sees an organization increase its productivity and hence a reduction in the unit costs of production. This makes the organization to be competitive. Competitiveness, on the other hand, ensures sustained presence of an organization in the market amid existing dynamics that challenge it. Team learning Team learning refers to â€Å"the process of aligning and developing the capacities of a team to create the results that its members truly desire†(Senge, 1990, p. 236). For enhancement of team learning, the prior two disciplines, personal mastery and shared vision, need enhancement. People, however, need to act coherently in order to build a learning team. â€Å"When teams learn together, not only can there be excellent results for the organization, but also members will grow more rapidly than could have occurred otherwise†(Senge, 1990, p. 237). A well-constructed organizational working team facilitates ardent communication through hierarchical structures. This commun ication relies much on dialogue. Dialogue permits room for clarification and counter arguments. Consequently, meanings transfer themselves through the entire work teams in the most efficient and effective manner. How does this help in the improvement of an organization? Hanson (2001) offers a response to this interrogative. He argues that â€Å"When dialogue is joined with systems thinking, there is the possibility of creating a language more suited for dealing with complexity†¦focusing on deep-seated structural issues and forces rather than being diverted by questions of personality and leadership style†(p.650). In fact, poor organizational communication deters attempt to orient all the workers of an organization to the preset goals and objectives of an organization. Since the goals and objectives are the guiding principles of an organization, anything that negatively affects the two also affects the practices that organizations view as vital for their sustenance and i mprovement. Significance of learning organization concept in improvement and sustenance of organization’s practices The concept of a learning organization is critical and essential for the improvement of the practices such as human resource that helps in ensuring increased motivation and improvement of workers attitudes toward the organization. Poor attitudes towards work, dwindled morale, and or internal politics within an organization are incredible impairments to the improvement of an organization and hence the sustenance of its competitive edge in the future. According to Argyris and Schà ¶n, â€Å"People can overcome these counterproductive consequences by themselves, in groups, or in the organizational cultures in which they work by examining â€Å"expert†advice in order to surface the gaps and inconsistencies†(1978, p.35). Leaders of an organization, consequently, have the noble responsibility of compelling employees to employ creative thinking consist ent with the organizational needs while attempting to handle their perceptions about the organization for which they work. This way, they can â€Å"†¦fill employees with as much intrinsic motivation and as deep sense of organizational stewardship as any company executive†(Branson, 2007, p.473). The learning organization concept merely entangles the inculcation of the practice of self-reflection and introspection of one’s actions before acting. As Benyamin Lichtenstein writes, incorporating learning organization concept in the management of organizations has the repercussions of prompting change even to the rigid traditional approaches in organizational management. He argues, â€Å"Managers and all decision-makers in science and the professions must move beyond a purely rational model of understanding to one that is transactional, open-ended, and inherently social†(Lichtenstein, 2000, p.48). Open-minded model infers that the managers incorporate all decisi ons of all stakeholders and interest groups in the activities of the organization while making subtle organizational decisions. In this context, the learning organization concept remains relevant in promotion of improvement of an organization practices. In an attempt to prove the theoretical and practical adequacy of learning organization view in providing improvement and sustenance of an organization’s foremost practices, it is crucial perhaps to consider the importance of adopting the concept of a learning organization in the organizational management practices. Learning organization and promotion of continuous improvement The concept of a learning organization has an impeccably close link between it and the performance of an organization. Deane et al. (1997) recognizes that undue gap may perhaps exist between performance and learning organization (p.23). However, their article titled Creating a Learning Project Environment presents â€Å"a model that helps managers assess and narrow these gaps to foster a continuous improvement cycle: typical of learning organizations†(Pace, 2002, p.458). Performance implies escalation of the ability of an organization to improve its realization of its outcomes in terms of quality and quantity. Quality is vital in ensuring increased competence and competitiveness of an organization. As Levine posits, â€Å"Some investigators are finding that a focus on organizational learning has immense potential to build the collaboration and continuous improvement programs that promote organizational performance†(2001, p.23). In this context, increasing performance is an essential catalyst for the improvement of an organizational practice. Consequently, learning organization, closely linked to performance, stands out as a view that is both theoretically and practically relevant on improvement and sustenance of an organization practices. Learning organization and innovation In the prior sections of this paper, innov ation stands out as essential if at all organizations have to remain competitive. In fact, Argyris and Schà ¶n (1978, p.47) and Senge (1990, p.98) have proactively advocated for the capacity of a learning organization to foster innovation. For people working in an organization to engage in innovative activities, it is paramount that they all seek the guidance of a shared vision. One of the disciplines of a learning organization fortunately happens to be the shared vision. Preskill and Torres (1999) reckon, â€Å"Ramus and Steger developed a list of supervisor behaviors that support employee’s creativity and innovation†¦using the extensive literature on organizational learning†(p.21). As a repercussion, it follows, therefore, that there exists a relationship between learning organization and innovation. It is arguable that learning organization is not just a theoretical concept, but also a practical one. Learning organization and community building Many managemen t scholars have campaigned for learning organization as a vital tool for promoting the emergence of learning communities. Glasmeier et al. notes, â€Å"†¦the learning community combines the emotional and intellectual learning needed to break through defensive routines and effective learning behavior†(1998, p.110). Breakdown of the so referred defensive behavior stands out as an essential endeavor in restructuring the old bureaucratic management techniques. The traditional approaches of the structure of organizations, on the other hand, carry remarkable blame on their capacity to foster the creation of localized groups of people within the larger working group, which feels not properly considered in the realization of the overall objectives of the organization. This is perhaps because of the inability of these traditional approaches to encourage delegation of responsibilities within an organization. According to Cors, â€Å"By combining intellectual and emotional learni ng, the learning community fosters a vision of wholeness: the ability to bring one’s whole self to the organization†(2003, p.30). Wholeness is critical in ensuring and maintaining the feeling of self-belonging. When employees feel that they are part of the organization, they tend to do anything within their capacity to ensure that the organization’s growth is positive. It is not by coincidence that learning organization significantly sound like to contribute to the creation of an â€Å"Organizational climate that fosters a fabulous formula for employees’ happiness and ownership of organizational values at once†(Glasmeier et al., 1998, p.115). Learning organization, as both a theoretical and practical approach of fostering improvement of organizational practices is critical for the growth of an organization coupled with its guaranteed sustenance. In fact, it has a value. It impeccably facilitates the recognition of the fact that technology alone so lely is not enough for the purposes of modernization of organizations. Some behavioral change is also vital. Such a change would perhaps break down the way the decision-making organ of an organization operates. For instance, a compelling example is shifting from closed-door style of management to open door or rather round the table management style. This has the effect of promoting a more communally formed organization management, which significantly quickens the decision making process (Donohue Patterson, 1999, p.241). Quick and effective decision-making process is vital for the improvement of organizational practices especially with the modern dynamic operational environment. Given that learning organization has the capacity to give raise to community building, the concept stands out as, not only theoretical, but also practical in endeavors to improve and ensure the presence of an organization in the future. Conclusion Based on the expositions made in the paper, it is evident tha t there are some views that both theoretically and practically essential especially once applied by organizations. These views, as the paper has revealed, can significantly boost the performance of any organization. Organizations operate in dynamic environments. The dynamics are instigated by changing technologies coupled with the sophisticated existing technologies. Change is, therefore, inevitable. The paper argues the integration of the learning organization concepts as one of the necessary changes that are essential for improvement and sustenance of organizations’ practices. Learning organizations are those â€Å"organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, nurturing new and expansive patterns of thinking where collective aspiration is free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together†(Senge, 1990, p.4). The paper has attempted to prove the learning organization view as not just a the oretical concept, but also a vital practical tool that leads to improvement and sustenance of organizational practices. To achieve this, the paper has presented some essential disciplines of learning organizations. These disciplines include system thinking, building a shared vision, team learning, mental models and personal mastery. It has given some of the importance of the learning models in an attempt to provide a solid argument that the learning organization is both a practical and theoretical view that can improve an organization’s practices. In this regard, learning organization promotes innovation and performance. It facilitates community building within an organization. These are subtle tools for the improvement of organization’s practices. Reference List Argyris, C., Schà ¶n, D. (1978). Organizational learning: A theory of action perspective. Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley. Barnet, R. (2009). Organizational Goals. Web. Bolman, G., Deal, E. (1997). Reframing Organizations, Artistry, choice and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Branson, M. (2007) Improving leadership by nurturing moral consciousness through structured self-reflection. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(4), 471-495. Burch, P. (2007). Educational policy and practice from the perspective of institutional theory: Crafting a Wider Lens. Educational Researcher, 36(2), 84-95. Cors, R. (2003). What Is Learning Organization? Reflections on Literature and Practitioner Perspectives. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison. Deane, R., et al. (1997). Creating a Learning Project Environment: Aligning Project Outcomes with Customer Needs. Information Systems Management. New York: SUNY Press. Donohue, J., Patterson, M. (1999). Review: Organizing thinking about organizations. Public Productivity and Management Review, 23(2), 240-246. Edmondson, A., Moingeon, B. (1999). Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization. London: Sage. Finger, M., Brand, B. (1999). Th e concept of the â€Å"learning organization†applied to the transformation of the public sector. London: Sage. Foster, W. (1999). Administrative Science, the Postmodern, and the Community: In Begley, P. Values and Educational Leadership. New York, NY: SUNY Press. Glasmeier, K. et al. (1998). The Relevance of Firm-Learning Theories to the Design and Evaluation of Manufacturing Modernization Programs. Economic Development Quarterly, 12(2), 107-124. Greenfield, B. (1975). Theory about Organization: A New Perspective and its Implication for Schools’, in M.G. Hughes (ed.), Administering Education: International Challenge. London: Althone Press. Hanson, M. (2001). Institutional Theory and Educational Change. Educational Administration Quarterly, 37(5), 637-661. Lichtenstein, B. (2000). Generative Knowledge and Self-Organized Learning. Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(1), 47-54. Maxcy, J. (2001). Educational Leadership and Management of Knowing. Journal of Educational Admini stration, 39(6), 573-588. Meyer, D., Rowan, B. (2006). Institutional analysis and the study of education, in Meyer and Rowan: the New Institutionalism in Education. New York: SUNY Press. Pace, W. (2002). The Organizational Learning Audit. Management Communication Quarterly, 15(3), 458-465. Peck, M. (1990) The Road Less Travelled. London: Arrow. Preskill, H., Torres, T. (1999). Evaluative Inquiry for Learning in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Scott, W. (2004). Institutional theory in Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Senge, P. (1990). The Fifth Discipline. New York: Doubleday. Sennett, R. (1998). The Corrosion of Character: The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism. New York: Norton. This critical writing on Learning organization as a view of organization that is both theoretically adequate and practically useful was written and submitted by user The Fury to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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